
David’s books have been published across the world and in languages as diverse as Korean, Chinese and Japanese. He has also had four film deals for his own stories, two in the UK and two in Hollywood.


The Primary Colours of Story (2020)

This is David’s career-defining, flagship master-work on story theory, his life’s work in book form.

Built on decades of personal experience of stories as a writer and story consultant, this work moves the cutting edge of story theory to a new contemporary understanding. A method and model for story development, analysis, evaluation and investment.

The Story Book – Guidance for writers to story creation, optimisation, problem resolution and marketing (2010). DreamEngine Media Ltd. ISBN 978-0-9557089-2-3.

With more than 100 reviews on Amazon at an average of FIVE STARS this is David’s breakthrough work of story theory. A fine starting point for any writer’s journey to success.

David Baboulene story consultant, script consultant, script doctor, filmmaker and writer.

David Baboulene story consultant, script consultant, script doctor, filmmaker and writer.

Story Theory – The psychological and linguistic foundations to how stories work (2014). A fore-runner to The Primary Colours.

With Five Stars across the board, Story Theory provides a simple introduction to the ideas that became David’s doctoral research. An insight into how the way the brain makes memories is linked to how stories get their power. Fascinating, enlightening and accessible.

The Step Outline: An Exercise in Story Development (2020). Once a writer begins to work with knowledge gaps, they need to integrate them into the story development process. This book exemplifies the end-to-end development process for Bella – a complete short film written and produced by David Baboulene.

ory consultant, script consultant, script doctor,. How to write. How to get published. 

Story in Mind: A Constructivist Narratology (2019) is the published academic version of David’s Ph.D. thesis. His formal investigation into the communication relationship between an author and a receiver of a narration. Based on the neuroscience of memory and experience and they way this causes stories to exist, this work provably advances the world’s knowledge and understanding of story theory.


Ocean Boulevard (2007). Summersdale Publishers. ISBN 978-1-84024-590-5.

Jumping Ships (2009). Summersdale Publishers. ISBN 978-1-84024-591-2.

CHILDREN’S BOOKS (Illustrated by Kelly Chapman)

Kepple the Kite (2008). DreamEngine Media Ltd. ISBN 978-0-9557089-0-9.

Oopsie – I Forgot! (2010). DreamEngine Media Ltd. ISBN 978-0-9557089-1-6.


David Baboulene story consultant, script consultant, script doctor, filmmaker and writer. David Baboulene story consultant, script consultant, script doctor, filmmaker and writer. David Baboulene story consultant, script consultant, script doctor, filmmaker and writer.